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Vision & Mission Statement

We aim to minister and bring support and stability to communities across Australia. We particularly believe in practical Christian living i.e. doing the will of God in reaching out to our communities and the nation at large.


Our desire and endeavour is to make “disciplined disciples” of Jesus Christ where our lifestyles exemplify Christ in all areas of thought, conversation and conduct.


We desire that each member of FCI would grow in Christ, His grace and His word, resulting in the moral fibre, conviction, wisdom and character that is necessary for living soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.


Our mission is: to declare the uncompromising gospel of the Kingdom of God to the poor, to bind the broken-hearted, proclaim freedom to the captives, to comfort those who mourn and to make out of people oaks of righteousness. To this end we are working at planting churches in all of the nations represented in FCI.

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